Makeshift & Modern Mama

…because motherhood doesn't come with an instruction manual

Another year come and gone.


You were a…doozy.

What you taught me?

You taught me…

– Love has seasons. And commitment means embracing all of those seasons.
– People are what’s important.
– You really do get back what you send out into the world.
– When you hit rock bottom, there’s a sort of freedom knowing that there’s only one way up.
– To embrace my little girl because some parents lose theirs too soon.
– That the world can be ugly, cruel, and tragic, but hope can be found in some of the darkest places.
– Sometimes you have to make decisions for yourself that few people will agree with, but that’s okay, they’ll get over it.
– Money sure is nice, but it isn’t everything.
– Politics brings out the ugliest sides of people. And I hate it.
– Our government would be a whole lot more productive (as would our society) if we each took responsibility for our actions and stopped playing into party politics.
– To savor each and every minute of the movie series’ that I love because they won’t last forever. -sigh-
– I am 100% okay with raising my daughter around superheroes.
– Nothing can change the way a good book makes me feel.
– That no matter where I go, the minute I’m around a theatre, I feel at home/peace.
– That my friends and family are some of the most loving, supportive, beautiful people.
– That the term “terrible twos” should be “terrible threes.”
– That three year olds are at the craziest, but sweetest age.
– That watching Zo play make believe has made me a better actor/director/writer.
– That the world won’t stop for you.
– That painting with really loud music is the best cure for a broken heart.
– That I am still the queen of mixed CDs.
– That I have one of the weirdest job histories.
– That “we accept the love we think we deserve.”

But most of all, I’ve been taught that life is life. And you can bitch and complain every step of the way, or you can grab it by the horns and make it one hell of a ride. Embrace the people you love, release the people who no longer encourage you, and appreciate the air you’re able to breathe. The world moves fast, blink and it could all be gone, so you might as well live it like you mean it.

So, my mantra for 2013…

“Live it like you mean it.”

Why I Decided to ‘Elf on the Shelf’ It

I’ll admit when I first started seeing ideas for ‘Elf on the Shelf’ while perusing Pinterest, I was almost stressed out by the idea. The stuff these moms would do just looked like a bunch of time without a real purpose. I was really kind of turned off by the whole thing, really.
That was a year ago, but again, this year on Pinterest the ideas started popping up again. All I could think is, “What is the deal with this stupid elf?” Luckily, my best friend had the same sentiment and posted a Facebook status stating she didn’t understand the elf phenomenon. A few moms chimed in and I remember one particular response mentioned “behavior modification.” Wait, what? You mean, I can use this as a bargaining tool. I know, I know, bargaining is frowned upon in the “parenting world.” However, as a mom who had used, “If you do not put your listening ears on, I’m going to call Santa myself!” a few too many times, I really needed a partner in crime. Insert our wonderful elf, Frederick.


And as great as it is to be able to remind her that Santa has an elf who’s watching if she’s naughty or nice, that really wasn’t my main reason for doing it. I finally reasoned with myself and decided this was just another tradition that makes Zoey feel special. And I decided to steer clear of all of those over-the-top crazy Pinterest ideas (Um. toothpaste is not going to find itself on my mirror anytime soon), and do simple ideas. I think there’s only been one idea that took me longer than 5 minutes to complete (I decided Frederick wanted to make her Christmas shaped pancakes…which was still super easy using this tutorial). Now, every morning when Zoey wakes up, she immediately says, “Let’s go find Frederick!” She’s automatically in a great mood, and I can tell it makes her feel special knowing Santa’s keeping his eye on her.
I’ve gotten a little ridicule from a few friends (mostly those that don’t have kids, mind you), and this is what I’d say to you — Yep, I think some moms go way too crazy with this elf idea, but if that’s what they want to do and it’s making their kid feel special, why not? And for all of those that think it’s creepy? Get over yourselves. This isn’t some big brother conspiracy, it’s a freakin’ elf.

My Daughter Loves Superheroes (and why that’s okay with me)….

My daughter is in love with Superheroes. Particularly Batman (she’s gone through Spiderman, and Captain America stages too), but Batman has always been consistent.

A lot of mom’s try to gear superheroes for boys and princesses for girls. It’s a case of ideas about gender roles and what girls should like. And don’t get me wrong, Zo loves her princesses too. Particularly Rapunzel and Tiana. I have absolutely no problem with that, however I find special joy when she wants to watch Batman over Snow White. And it’s something deeper than just thinking that my kid looks like a badass for it.

I allow her to watch superhero cartoons because I want her to embrace the fact that there is good, and there is evil. In life, priorities, desires, morals can get all twisted, and she could and will make bad choices, but I hope and pray she lives a life of a superhero. Defending the weak, poor, hurt, and scared. Fighting against the corrupt, the cruel, and the evil. And honestly, I think no better superhero embodies this than Batman. Sure, in front of the mask he might be an insanely rich pretty boy, but deep down he aches for those brought down by injustice, and he takes action.

There are many debates that can spur from whether or not people should take justice into their own hands. And I’m not necessarily hoping my daughter becomes some masked vigilante. What I want is for her to see pain and hurt in others, and take some action — whatever that is. This is what superheroes do — they are the epitome of action, and that is why it is so important to me that Zo watches them and hopefully embraces them.

(side note – I’ve had this idea for a blog post for awhile now, but with the recent events in my home state of Colorado, I thought it was particularly appropriate. Thoughts and prayers to all the victims).

“The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.” – Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight



Have a little class…


If you know me even remotely, you know that I am a social networking junkie. I love the blogging world, I love how much sites like Facebook and Twitter can offer, I love being able to catch up with people from the past, I love it.

HOWEVER, there is something that I have vented about before. Something that deeply bothers me about the change in climate in regards to relationships and manners. Just when I think I can’t see anything else, someone proves me wrong. I have seen people post bitter diatribes on exes Facebook walls, I have seen young girls post ridiculously promiscuous photos of themselves, I have seen older girls post ridiculously promiscuous photos of themselves. I have seen Facebook status wars between friends who are fighting.

And it all disturbs…and disgusts me, frankly. Sure, I have faltered and posted a “too personal” post before….it’s a rare occurrence, and I normally delete it when I get some perspective. But I guess my big problem with all of this is that people don’t know what class is anymore. Breakups are public, and people revel in that. People love commenting on relationships ending. “Oh you can do better!” “I told you so!” “His loss!” A number of ridiculous opinions that people offer up so freely. It amazes me.

And then there are those that post these long posts revealing really personal details of their breakup with an ex. GUESS WHAT? I don’t need to know ANY of that! Have a little class, and know when to keep things that are private–private! Sure. you might be broken-hearted. Sure that person might’ve screwed you over, but that’s not my business. And you really should learn to have some grace and confront whatever you want to, in privacy.

And then for you girls who think that posting trashy photos of yourselves somehow makes you more appealing. You’re wrong. Put some damn clothes on. Have a little mystery. Because let me tell you, if there’s anything I’ve learned in the past few years of my life, it’s how attractive modesty and mystery is. And sure, you shouldn’t be modest because that’s what guys really want, but you also shouldn’t reveal everything, with the impression that that’s what they want either.

The cliche is really true…what you put out into the world, is what you’ll get back. So, think of what you want in return.

You are more than your kids….

Oh moms…..

It’s so easy to neglect ourselves, right? When our worlds are turned upside down by these crazy, scrunchy faced, adorable human beings, we often take on the role of mom without a hesitation. And it’s true, in those first few months, your kid pretty much runs your life. Feedings, naps, diapers, doctor’s appointments…the responsibilities are endless. And as they grow older, it doesn’t really get easier, the responsibilities just change. And we get a better grasp of what’s expected of us (although I’m not sure ANY of us ever grasp it completely).

But what I’m finding more and more is that so many moms ONLY classify themselves as a mom…(and sometimes a wife…which isn’t relevant in my case). Suddenly, we find ourselves in a world of playgroups and potty training and My Little Ponies (I really wanted something to add to the alliteration). We make ourselves like “mom” things (and sometimes we ACTUALLY like them), but how many of you have tried to FORCE yourself to enjoy scrapbooking, when you really could care less about ribbon or adhesive or Cricut cartridges? (Now, don’t get me wrong…I actually somewhat like scrapbooking..) But since when did we HAVE to be interested in these things to be a good mom?

Moms…you are women. You have interests. You have talents. You are a mom. You might be a wife or girlfriend. You can enjoy things that have nothing to do with your kids. In fact, I kind of suggest having at least one hobby or thing that you have that has nothing to do with your chitlins. For me, one of those things is theatre. Sure, Zoey gets exposed to theatre, but the craft, the art of it, the hard work of it all…is all mine. It is my place. (Which is why I think I’ve been so cranky lately…I haven’t had much theatre in my life recently…)

And can I also just vent for a moment? MOMS STOP JUDGING OTHER MOMS! No, I don’t buy soy milk or almond milk or have a rigid naptime schedule. Yes, sometimes I just get a McDonald’s happy meal for Zoey. No, not everything I feed Zoey is organic (If I COULD and it was AFFORDABLE, believe me, I would). And guess what else?! I didn’t nurse Zoey….oh-my-holy-geebus-did-I-really-just-say-that? It’s true, she was a formula baby. At that time in my life, I wasn’t physically able to (I think it was due to stress), but it didn’t happen. I would’ve liked to…it would’ve saved me a whole hell of a lot of money. But guess what? Zoey is a healthy, happy, adorable, loving child. Sure, she acts out. Sure, she has her toddler moments (which are turning into days, I might add), but I do everything with the best of intentions for her, and in my book, THAT IS OKAY! So, moms stop being so damn snooty to one another. What works for you and your child isn’t necessarily going to work for the next mom and child. GET OVER IT! We’re all just trying to figure out this monstrous, scary life of parenting and should be encouraging each other. So, get your noses out of the air, and RELAX!

With all that being said, I just want to urge mamas everywhere to remember that they are a whole person and motherhood (which is a HUGE part of that) is not the WHOLE of you. I’m not saying don’t make your kids your first (or second priority, if you’re married/in a relationship)…I’m only hoping you remember that there is more to you than mom. So, post photos of stuff that inspires you on Facebook (and yes, sometimes that’ll be your kids)…get a sitter and go somewhere without your kid…pick a hobby that you GENUINELY like that has NOTHING to do with your kid…it’s okay, I promise. As long as your kid is safe, healthy, and loving…I think you’re doing a fine job!

Mommyhood at it’s finest….

Whoever says that the older a kid gets, the easier it gets is full of complete and total crap.

I have been battling hardcore with an-almost-three-year-old-monster-of-a-toddler. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a great kid. She really is. She’s likeable and sweet and usually withholds her crazy tantrums for just me. However, IT IS EXHAUSTING. It feels like every day is a battle. It feels like I’m always keeping her from injuring herself (because she literally has NO FEAR). I feel like I’m constantly trying new discipline techniques..try encouraging, try being stern, try taking things away. And they all work…for a bit. By the end of the day, I am so frazzled and fried, I just want to lock myself in my room with a large bottle of wine and never come out. I hate raising my voice at her and I hate feeling like I’m losing my cool.

It doesn’t help that she feels the need to climb, pull, tug, jump on me all the time…i feel like there’s nowhere I can go to just collect myself. It’s just me and her all the time and it kinda makes me want to go a little crazy.

Mamas, especially ones that are with their kids through the day, what do you do to calm yourself when you start getting overwhelmed? Any creative techniques for discipline that seem to work with INSANELY active toddlers? HELP!


Good ol’ makeup lesson with Zo.

Fitness Friday…er…Wednesday…er…two weeks late

Okay, okay…I’m slacking on the Fitness Friday posts.

I’ll admit, I slacked off majorly in the work out world last week, and let me tell you, I am feeling it this week! I started back up yesterday with P90X. But I will say what I love about P90X is how quickly I see results. (Yeah, I’m such an American…I want everything NOW!)

So here’s my weekly progression How do you workout? Do you have a specfic time in the day you do it or is it whenever you can get to it? Have you ever fallen off the workout wagon and felt horrible starting up again?


Fitness Friday…er…Wednesday…er…two weeks late

Okay, okay…I’m slacking on the Fitness Friday posts.

I’ll admit, I slacked off majorly in the work out world last week, and let me tell you, I am feeling it this week! I started back up yesterday with P90X. But I will say what I love about P90X is how quickly I see results. (Yeah, I’m such an American…I want everything NOW!)

So here’s my weekly progression How do you workout? Do you have a specfic time in the day you do it or is it whenever you can get to it? Have you ever fallen off the workout wagon and felt horrible starting up again?


Up in the air schedules

Well, my goal was to provide you with a well-thought out and interesting post of the mini-preschool I’m creating for Zoey. I don’t have a degree in Early Childhood, and have no desire for one, but I do desire to teach my daughter young. So, I’ve decided to start scheduling “school” time. I don’t plan for it to be a strict schedule or anything (I’m not a very rigid person), but there are just too many resources available to me for FREE that I say, why not? Besides that, Zoey is….high energy. And she’s the type of kid that really needs to be engaged, and while it is tempting for me to sit her in front of the TV, while I get the zillions of things I need to get done on my to-do list, I realize she is a happier child (making me a happier mama) if she is engaged and challenged.

All that being said, I had to delay “Mini-School” because Zoey has some weird, itchy red rash on her face and neck, so off to the doctor we go in about an hour. So, instead of sharing the activities we did today, I’ll instead share the general idea of what I’m planning and a beginning schedule.


8:30 – Normal wake up time/cuddle/adjust to morning
8:45 – Breakfast/cartoon
9/9:15 – Dance/Song time (her favorite time)
9:30 – Craft
10:00 – Outside or Free play
10:20 – Storytime
10:45 – Coloring/Shapes/Letters
11:15 – Done with Mini-School!

Now again, I’m a scheduler. In fact, I looooove to plan and schedule, however, I’m not a strict planner. Meaning, if I don’t adhere to every single minute of this schedule, I’ll be fine. I think it’s important to be flexible ESPECIALLY with kids. She won’t always be in the mood for certain things and I won’t force it, and life happens and so we might need to adjust the times of Mini-School, but this gives me a general idea of what I would like to do and in what order.

For the next couple of weeks, I have some fun themes for the weeks. This week will be SPRING. So, I have some fun flower crafts planned (that I will be sharing), some great books about Spring (which I will also be sharing), and we’ll be focusing on the Letter S.

Oh and where do I get all my ideas, motivation, organization ideas? Um, Pinterest, duh. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what that is. In it’s most basic form, it’s a virtual pinboard. Sound dumb? Yeah, I thought it did, but there’s a huge community offering so many great resources in a billion different subjects. It’s worth it, try it.

Aaaaaand if you’re on Pinterest, FOLLOW ME! I tend to post food, kids stuff, quotes, travel dreams, home stuff…and the list could go on. So, if anything strikes your fancy, please follow away!

Anywho, onto the doctor’s office…and hopefully, tomorrow we will be able to begin our Mini-School journey!

Fitness Friday

So, I’m starting a fun little segment on Friday’s. I’ve never been huge on working out. I played sports when I was younger, and have always been able to maintain a healthy weight, but recently, I decided to dive into the world of P90X. For those of you who don’t know P90X is a fantastic workout focused on muscle confusion. It lasts 90 days (hence the 90 in the title), and is not for the faint of heart. So, every Friday, I’ll be documenting my progress via photo. I’m only doing side photos right now because…well I’m extremely self-conscious of my tummy, so until I start seeing some results with that, I won’t be posting the frontal photos I take (believe me, I’m saving you!) This photo is from Day 1 of my journey: (please excuse my in-between remodeled bathroom)


I’ve surprised myself with what I can do in P90X and pushing myself to my limit every day has been extremely rewarding. Give it a try!

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