Makeshift & Modern Mama

…because motherhood doesn't come with an instruction manual

My Daughter Loves Superheroes (and why that’s okay with me)….

My daughter is in love with Superheroes. Particularly Batman (she’s gone through Spiderman, and Captain America stages too), but Batman has always been consistent.

A lot of mom’s try to gear superheroes for boys and princesses for girls. It’s a case of ideas about gender roles and what girls should like. And don’t get me wrong, Zo loves her princesses too. Particularly Rapunzel and Tiana. I have absolutely no problem with that, however I find special joy when she wants to watch Batman over Snow White. And it’s something deeper than just thinking that my kid looks like a badass for it.

I allow her to watch superhero cartoons because I want her to embrace the fact that there is good, and there is evil. In life, priorities, desires, morals can get all twisted, and she could and will make bad choices, but I hope and pray she lives a life of a superhero. Defending the weak, poor, hurt, and scared. Fighting against the corrupt, the cruel, and the evil. And honestly, I think no better superhero embodies this than Batman. Sure, in front of the mask he might be an insanely rich pretty boy, but deep down he aches for those brought down by injustice, and he takes action.

There are many debates that can spur from whether or not people should take justice into their own hands. And I’m not necessarily hoping my daughter becomes some masked vigilante. What I want is for her to see pain and hurt in others, and take some action — whatever that is. This is what superheroes do — they are the epitome of action, and that is why it is so important to me that Zo watches them and hopefully embraces them.

(side note – I’ve had this idea for a blog post for awhile now, but with the recent events in my home state of Colorado, I thought it was particularly appropriate. Thoughts and prayers to all the victims).

“The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.” – Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight



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One thought on “My Daughter Loves Superheroes (and why that’s okay with me)….

  1. I kinda hope Zo becomes a masked vigilante….. 😉

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