Makeshift & Modern Mama

…because motherhood doesn't come with an instruction manual

Archive for the tag “fitness friday”

Fitness Friday…er…Wednesday…er…two weeks late

Okay, okay…I’m slacking on the Fitness Friday posts.

I’ll admit, I slacked off majorly in the work out world last week, and let me tell you, I am feeling it this week! I started back up yesterday with P90X. But I will say what I love about P90X is how quickly I see results. (Yeah, I’m such an American…I want everything NOW!)

So here’s my weekly progression How do you workout? Do you have a specfic time in the day you do it or is it whenever you can get to it? Have you ever fallen off the workout wagon and felt horrible starting up again?


Fitness Friday

So, I’m starting a fun little segment on Friday’s. I’ve never been huge on working out. I played sports when I was younger, and have always been able to maintain a healthy weight, but recently, I decided to dive into the world of P90X. For those of you who don’t know P90X is a fantastic workout focused on muscle confusion. It lasts 90 days (hence the 90 in the title), and is not for the faint of heart. So, every Friday, I’ll be documenting my progress via photo. I’m only doing side photos right now because…well I’m extremely self-conscious of my tummy, so until I start seeing some results with that, I won’t be posting the frontal photos I take (believe me, I’m saving you!) This photo is from Day 1 of my journey: (please excuse my in-between remodeled bathroom)


I’ve surprised myself with what I can do in P90X and pushing myself to my limit every day has been extremely rewarding. Give it a try!

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